
Best Kuvera Global Training Website

Most Widely Misunderstood Financial Instrument

Options may be the most widely misunderstood financial instrument in the market. Considered to be high risk, many self-directed investors shy away from trading options.

Once you understand how options work AND you apply them correctly they are an affordable way to protect long positions, earn higher gains and generate small weekly and monthly income.

Options are an important element of the Wealth Generators strategy.

Options can be applied in a variety of ways to generate higher returns for investors with limited capital!

In the Options course, they will cover:
  • Option Basics
  • Understanding Puts and Calls
  • Buying and Selling Options
  • Basic Spread Strategies: Vertical, Calendar, Diagonals, Bear-Call and Bull-Put
  • Advanced Spread Strategies including Butterflies and Condors
  • Credit and Debit Spreads

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