Guaranteed Generator

Best Kuvera Global Training Website

3. Guaranteed Generator

This bonus is designed to help Generators get their product paid for as soon as possible!

Help 3 and It’s Free! It’s really that simple… we planned it that way. Once you have enrolled 3 Active Generators (Active means at least 100PV each month), your $129.99 (100PV) Monthly or Weekly 3-Pack subscription is covered. In fact, you’ll do better than that. While you’ll still pay $129.99 per month for your subscription, you’ll get a payment back from Kuvera Global as compensation.

100-GVThat means you are fully participating in the Kuvera Global® Bonus Plan at no cost to you. This is not just for one month, it will continue each and every month you meet this minimal requirement. Of course, helping your 3 personally enrolled Active Generators will also advance you to the Rank of Guaranteed Generator so you are on your way to financial success! This is the first step in building your profitable independent business as a Wealth Generator.

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